
विशेष उल्लेख सूची

कुल विशेष उल्लेख (2012 से): 1748
विशेष उल्लेख सूची
क्रम.सं. मांगी गयी तारीख मंत्रालय का नाम विषय स्थिति
562 16/03/2022 POWER Matter regarding need to allocate 15 percent free electricity to Home States from Inter-State Solar and Wind Power Plants. Final
561 16/03/2022 ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS Matter regarding need to re-visit the policy of prohibition of vehicles older than ten years. Final
565 15/03/2022 CONSUMER AFFAIRS ,FOOD AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Matter regarding need for release of food subsidy dues to Odisha. Final
566 15/03/2022 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Matter regarding need to demarcate eco-sensitive zone of the Western Ghats. Final
568 15/03/2022 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Matter regarding need to frame a policy for mining in forest areas. Final
563 15/03/2022 HOME AFFAIRS Matter regarding need to include a woman representative in Disaster Management Authority at national level. Final
564 15/03/2022 LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT Matter regarding need to rehabilitate women Beedi workers. Final
569 15/03/2022 RAILWAYS atter regarding need to resume concession on railway fares. Final
567 15/03/2022 WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT Matter regarding need for approval of additional Anganwadi Centres and Child Development Projects in Maharashtra. Final
572 14/03/2022 CIVIL AVIATION Matter regarding need for development of Kannur Airport in Kerala. Final
571 14/03/2022 FINANCE Matter regarding need for reduction of GST on health insurance policy for senior citizens. Final
574 14/03/2022 HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Matter regarding need to permit Kerala Government to acquire HLL Lifecare Limited directly upon mutually agreeable terms. Final
575 14/03/2022 HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Matter regarding need to accommodate medical students returning from Ukraine in Indian Medical Universities. Final
570 14/03/2022 HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Matter regarding need to give option of Hippocratic/Charak oath for Doctors. Final
573 14/03/2022 POWER Matter regarding need for infrastructure for developing the Electric Vehicle Industry. Final
578 11/02/2022 COMMUNICATION Matter regarding need to curb increasing prices of mobile recharge. Final
576 11/02/2022 CORPORATE AFFAIRS Matter regarding need to take stringent action against the cartelization by major tyre companies in the country to increase the prices of tyres. Final
582 11/02/2022 CULTURE Matter regarding protection, preservation and development of important historical, cultural and archaeological sites in Western Odisha. Final
583 11/02/2022 HOME AFFAIRS Matter regarding threats to national security and territorial integrity from hostile nations across the borders. Final
581 11/02/2022 HOME AFFAIRS Matter regarding need to ensure severe punishment for public incitement for sexual abuse of women. Final
