
विशेष उल्लेख सूची

कुल विशेष उल्लेख (2012 से): 1748
विशेष उल्लेख सूची
क्रम.सं. मांगी गयी तारीख मंत्रालय का नाम विषय स्थिति
497 30/03/2022 RAILWAYS Matter regarding bullet trains from Chennai and new/pending railway projects in Tamil Nadu. Final
500 30/03/2022 ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS Matter regarding provision of restrooms (especially for women) in the National Highways across the country. Final
498 30/03/2022 SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT Matter regarding need to include Bhar/Rajbhar caste of Uttar Pradesh in the list of Scheduled Tribes. Final
513 29/03/2022 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS Matter regarding hike in prices of essential medicines. Final
510 29/03/2022 EDUCATION Matter regarding provision of apprenticeship training to fresh graduates. Final
505 29/03/2022 EDUCATION Matter regarding need for proper utilization of higher education cess. Final
504 29/03/2022 INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING Matter regarding need to revise the Central Media Accreditation Guidelines 2022. Final
511 29/03/2022 LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT Matter regarding need for legislation to safeguard domestic workers. Final
509 29/03/2022 MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES Matter regarding need for waiver of GST on Khadi. Final
508 29/03/2022 PERSONNEL,PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS Matter regarding conduct of campus interviews by PSUs. Final
512 29/03/2022 RAILWAYS Matter regarding need for construction of over-bridge at Thiruvappur Railway gate at Pudukottai in Tamil Nadu. Final
506 29/03/2022 SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT Matter regarding children begging at traffic signals in Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR). Final
507 29/03/2022 SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT Matter regarding increasing drug abuse in the country. Final
515 28/03/2022 EDUCATION Matter regarding need to open Central Tribal University in Bastar division of Chhattisgarh. Final
514 28/03/2022 NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Matter regarding need for uniform Renewable Energy purchase obligation throughout the country. Final
516 25/03/2022 CORPORATE AFFAIRS Matter regarding need to effectively monitor the rules framed by the Government for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fund. Final
518 25/03/2022 HOME AFFAIRS Matter regarding need for conducting the decennial 2021 census immediately. Final
519 25/03/2022 ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS Matter regarding need for fixing iron railing on dividers on National Highways. Final
517 25/03/2022 TRIBAL AFFAIRS Matter regarding need for establishing a Museum for tribal freedom fighters in Odisha Final
526 24/03/2022 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS Matter regarding need to increase the font size of the name of the Geriatric medicines written on its packaging for helping elderly population Final
