
Parliament Unit Telephone

S.No. Ministry Department Name Designation OfficeTelephone ResidanceTelephone OfficeAddress ResidenceAddress Email
151 DEFENCE DEFENCE Shri Giridhar Aramane Secretary-Defence 23012380 23011976 21610342 101-A, South Block, New Delhi defsecy[at]nic[dot]in
152 DEFENCE DEFENCE Ms. Dipti Mohil Chawla Additional Secretary- 23017678 9312096865 199-B, South Block, New Delhi addlsecy-mod[at]gov[dot]in
153 DEFENCE DEFENCE Shri Manish Tripathi Joint Secretary-(Coord./Parliament) & Estt.. 23018832 9810198440 198-A, South Block,, New Delhi jse[at]nic[dot]in
154 DEFENCE DEFENCE Shri Sanjai Bajpai Director- 23010646 9868151757 225E, South Block, New Delhi usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in
155 DEFENCE MILITARY AFFAIRS Shri Raja Ram Meena Director-Captain (Indian Navy) 23010083 9868944887 Room No. 410A, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi parl-dma[at]gov[dot]in
156 DEFENCE DEFENCE Shri Sandeep Kumar Under Secretary- 23012560 9868365772 18, South Block,, New Delhi usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in
157 DEFENCE DEFENCE Shri Avon Kumar Sharma Section Officer- 23012907 8750177373 19, South Block,, New Delhi usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in
158 DEFENCE DEFENCE Shri Lalit Kumar Yadav Section Officer- 23012907 9312220090 01205110066 19, South Block,, New Delhi usparl_def[at]nic[dot]in
159 DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION Dr. (Smt.) Suchita Gupta Adviser-(Statistics Advisor) 23015358 9650246907 275, Vigyan Bhawan, Annexe New Delhi sa-mdoner[at]gov[dot]in
160 DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION Shri Nehjamang Simte Deputy Secretary- 23794689 9999239842 275, Vigyan Bhawan, Annexe New Delhi nsymte[dot]65[at]gov[dot]in
161 DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION Smt. Jaya Shah Under Secretary- 23022025 9810181049 271, Vigyan Bhawan, Annexe New Delhi jaya[dot]shah[at]nic[dot]in
162 DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION Shri Praveen Verma Asstt. Section Officer- 23022025 8766307823 254, Vigyan Bhawan, Annexe New Delhi praveen[dot]verma89[at]gov[dot]in, jaya[dot]shah[at]nic[dot]in
163 EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCE -- Parliament Section --- 24669590 Parliament Section, Room No.2, Ground Floor, Prithvi Bhavan, IMD Campus, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 1100 moes[at]nic[dot]in
164 EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCE Dr. M. Ravichandran Secretary- 24629771 R.No.108, Prithvi Bhavan, IMD Campus, Lodi Road, New Delhi secretary[at]moes[dot]gov[dot]in
165 EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCE Shri D. Senthil Pandiyan Joint Secretary- 24629528 865002003 R.No.102, Prithivi Bhavan, IMD Campus, Lodi Road, New Delhi js[at]moes[dot]gov[dot]in
166 EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCE Shri Keshav Kumar Director- 24669700 9990022874 R.No.101, Prithvi Bhavan, IMD Campus, Lodi Road, New Delhi keshav[dot]kr76[at]gov[dot]in
167 EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCE Shri Ramesh Kumar Under Secretary- 24669558 7042773408 103, 1st Prithvi Bhavan, IMD Campus, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 ramesh[dot]k69[at]nic[dot]in
168 EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCE Shri Akash Section Officer- 24669528 8619216203 R.No. 402, Fourth Floor, Prithvi Bhavan, IMD Campus, Lodi Road, New Delhi akash[dot]bisaria[at]gov[dot]in, parl-moes[at]nic[dot]in
169 EARTH SCIENCES EARTH SCIENCE Shri Santosh Prasad Asstt. Section Officer- 24669590 9971896028 R.No.2, Prithvi Bhavan, IMD Campus, Lodhi Road, New Delhi santosh70[dot]prasad[at]nic[dot]in, parl-moes[at]nic[dot]in
170 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION -- Prof. M. Jagadesh Kumar ---Chairman, UGC 23234019 23239659 Room No. 101, UGC
171 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION -- Prof. Deepak Kumar Shrivastava ---Vice-Chairman, UGC 23230406 9869481060 Room No. 122, UGC
172 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION Shri Sudeep Singh Jain ---Financial Advisor 23231055 9868133320 Room No. 214, UGC, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
173 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION -- Prof. Manish R. Joshi Secretary- 23236288 23239337 9226102692 Room No. 121, UGC, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
174 EDUCATION SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY Shri Sanjay Kumar Secretary-(D/o SE&L) 23382587 7070894444 124-C, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi secy[dot]sel[at]nic[dot]in
175 EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION Shri K. Sanjay Murthy Secretary-(D/o HE) 23386451 9999685852 127-C, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi secy[dot]dhe[at]nic[dot]in
176 EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION Ms. Rina Sonowal Kouli Joint Secretary-(Higher Education) 23382587 9560988099 R.No.203-C Wingh, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi rinasonowal[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
177 EDUCATION SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY Dr. Amarpreet Duggal Joint Secretary-(SE & L) 23387218 9818200777 R.No.107-D Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi amarpreetduggal[at]nic[dot]in
178 EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION Shri Vijay Kumar Deputy Secretary-(HE) 23385365 9711566963 R.No.100A-D Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi vijay[dot]kumar33[at]gov[dot]in
179 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION Dr. Nikhil Kumar Deputy Secretary-(Parliament Independent Charge) 23604240 9307755497 Room No. 206, UGC, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
180 EDUCATION EDUCATION Shri Nand Kishore Under Secretary- 23073582 23384683 9871032014 216-D, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi nandkishore[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in, parliamentunit[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
181 EDUCATION SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY Shri Deepak Kumar Sah Under Secretary- 23384584 23384683 9871032014 130-C, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi sahdk[dot]68[at]gov[dot]in, parliamentunit[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
182 EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION Shri Amandeep Singh Section Officer- 23384683 9999808778 R.No.224-C Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi amandeep[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in, parliamentunit[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
183 EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION Shri Sumeet Verma Section Officer- 23384683 8881860210 R.No.224-C Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi parliamentunit[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
184 EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION Shri Jetendra Kumar Bairwa Section Officer-(HE) 23384683 8742922754 R.No.224-C Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi jitendrabairwa[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
185 EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION Shri Sheetala Pandey Asstt. Section Officer- 23384683 9968272028 R.No.224-C Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi parliamentunit[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
186 EDUCATION EDUCATION Shri Vinod Sharma Asstt. Section Officer- 23384683 8052505697 R.No.224-C Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi vinod[dot]sharma[at]nic[dot]in, parliamentunit[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
187 ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shri S.K. Marwaha ---Scientist G and Group Coordinator 24301463 24301963 4063, 4th Floor, Electronics Niketan, New Delhi. smarwah[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in
188 ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shri S. Krishnan Secretary- 24364041 24301101 1001, Electronics Niketan, New Delhi secretary[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in, secyoffice[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in
189 ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shri B.D. Sharma Director- 24301240 24301740 2040, Electronics Niketan, New Delhi bdsharma[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in
190 ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shri Kamlesh Kumar Jha Under Secretary- 24301761 Parliament Section, Electronics Niketan, New Delhi kamlesh[dot]jha[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in
191 ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shri Sandeep Kumar Ambasta Under Secretary- 24301260 2060, Parliament Section, Electronics Niketan, New Delhi sandeep[dot]ambasta[at]meity[dot]gov[dot]in
192 ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shri J.P. Bhasar Asstt. Section Officer- 24301735 Parliament Section, Electronics Niketan, New Delhi sansad[at]merity[dot]gov[dot]in
193 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Ms. Leena Nandan Secretary-(EF&CC) 20819308 20819408 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road New Delhi – secy-moef[at]nic[dot]in
194 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Shri Tanmay Kumar Additional Secretary- 20819211 20819176 Prithvi Wing, 5th Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi tanmay[dot]kumar-rj[at]gov[dot]in
195 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Shri Satyajit Mishra Joint Secretary- 20819232 9999137223 Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road New Delhi – satyajit[dot]mishra[at]nic[dot]in
196 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Shri Rakesh Sharma Director-(Parliament) 20819335 9868221709 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road New Delhi – rakesh[dot]sharma67[at]nic[dot]in
197 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Shri Vinod Kumar Under Secretary- 20819366 8700009513 Jal Wing, 1st Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi vinod[dot]69[at]nic[dot]in
198 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Shri Vikram Singh Under Secretary- 20819331 9891021723 Jal Wing, 1st Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi vikramsingh[dot]rth[at]nic[dot]in
199 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS Shri Abhimanyu Kumar Sharma Section Officer- 20819344 9868717221 Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road New Delhi – ak[dot]sharma79[at]nic[dot]in
200 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & CLIMATE CHANGE Shri Parliament Section Section Officer- 20819344 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road New Delhi – parlsec-mef[at]nic[dot]in
